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Autumn 2010

GIST Magazine
Dr Beierle is best man as Daniele and Glenda join hands in marriage July 10th, 2010. Daniele is a student of the UNI and also its webmaster.

In This Issue:

God's Pocket
A Name Makes A Difference

I Want Perfection

EJ Shares
On The Way To The Mailbox

Practitioner Letter
It Has Been Said Before

Affirmation Column
Divine Omnipresence


Ingeborg - Autumn 2010 Issue

Divine Omnipresence

I BELIEVE IN THE divine omnipresence and use positive thoughts and visualizations. I spontaneously reveal myself from the depth of my mind. I treat out loud, in a convincing tone to myself the affirmation: "I LKE ME." "I am whole and perfect." "I believe I am that I am" and "I am one as all there is about me."

I speak these affirmations with unconditional love for the world of my associates, members of my family, friends, neighbors and I see them enjoying a harmonious satisfactory life.

I am convinced that all apparently new and marvelous ideas are in the universe waiting to be discovered by dedicated seekers and geniuses. Those improvements are ready to be applied on the newest gadgets in computers, telephones, and photos of the moon and transmission facilities.

I treasure the infinite wisdom and ideas that are revealed to me during my meditations and I love to embed them into my awareness.

I am in peace with the positive thoughts I dwell on and see all in my world, is in perfect divine order.

According to principle through my spiritual values I work with the universal law of cause and effect.

I know definitely that for every thought I think and for every word I speak I create the corresponding effect in my environment

For instance, I go to town and think: "I have the perfect parking place" and so I find it in the new shopping center where I go.

I am interested in getting a special transparent shampoo. Well, at the parking lot I find even the shampoo advertised in the window of the drug store. This is a wonderful confirmation that nothing happens by chance. As I believe in myself I know everything I want to know. Here I say yes: "I know god in me is the answer."

I am guided from within. I choose to hear only that which is beneficial to my ideal spirit, mind and body.

Every cell of my body is an undefferentiated stem cell eagerly waiting for my instructions to its purpose.

—Dr Ingeborg Puchert